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[DWG] Promoções semanais + Saldão Capcom de 14/07/2020 a 20/07/2020

Descontos em jogos do Xbox

Novos descontos semanais para assinantes da Live Gold de 14/07/2020 a 20/07/2020.

Hoje começaram as tradicionais ofertas da semana junto com duas outras novas promoções sendo elas um Saldão da Capcom e um Saldão de Ofertas em Dobro e não se esqueça que além dessas ofertas ainda temos o Saldão da Ubisoft Forward rolando.

Ofertas válidas por:

2020/07/20 23:59:59

Xbox One

Nome BR USA % Obs
101 Ways To Die R$11,40 $ 5,99 40%  
11-11 Memories Retold R$26,00 $ 5,99 80% G,X
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion and DreamWorks Dragons Dawn of New Riders Bundle R$85,98 $ 22,99 60% G
Aery R$17,38 $ 4,68 33% X
Agony R$9,75 $ 4,99 75% G
America’s Greatest Game Shows: Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! R$18,75 $ 9,99 75% G
Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey R$65,45 $ 19,99 50% G
ARCADE GAME SERIES 3-in-1 Pack R$12,00 $ 3,20 60% G
Ash of Gods: Redemption R$49,97 $ 14,99 50%  
Assetto Corsa R$23,60 $ 11,99 60% G
Assetto Corsa Ultimate Edition R$31,60 $ 15,99 60% G
Aven Colony R$29,40 $ 8,99 70% G
Battlefield V Edição Ano 2 R$95,60 $ 19,99 60% G,X
BATTLESHIP R$11,60 $ 6,00 60% G
Ben 10 R$19,50 $ 9,99 50% G
Ben 10 and Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion Bundle R$63,98 $ 17,19 60% G
Black Desert Deluxe $ 22,49 55% G,X
Black Desert Ultimate $ 39,99 60% G,X
BLACK PARADOX R$27,47 $ 7,49 50% G
Blackguards 2 R$29,98 $ 7,99 60% G
Blasphemous R$46,22 $ 12,49 50% G
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night R$89,97 $ 19,99 50% G,X
Boggle R$12,00 $ 3,99 60% G
Bombslinger R$5,75 $ 2,99 75% G
Call of Cthulhu R$30,61 $ 9,99 75% G,X
Carnival Games R$36,00 $ 9,99 75% G
Castaway Paradise R$12,50 $ 6,49 50%  
Citadel: Forged with Fire R$58,98 $ 15,99 60% G,X
Cities: Skylines + Surviving Mars R$35,70 $ 17,99 70% G,X
Citizens of Space R$13,33 $ 4,49 70% G
Claire: Extended Cut R$5,80 $ 2,99 80%  
Control R$111,22 $ 29,99 50% G,X
Creature in the Well R$35,71 $ 9,74 35% A
Crimsonland R$13,50 $ 6,99 50%  
Cryogear R$53,96 $ 14,39 20% G
Dakar 18 R$23,07 $ 7,49 70% G
Darksiders Fury’s Collection – War and Death R$19,75 $ 9,99 75% G
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition R$14,75 $ 7,50 75% G,*
Darksiders: Warmastered Edition R$9,75 $ 4,99 75% G,X
DCL The Game R$74,97 $ 19,99 50% G,X
Dead Rising 4: Super Ultra Minigolfe R$11,40 $ 5,99 40% X
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition R$5,70 $ 3,00 70%  
Destiny 2: Edição Aprimorada R$123,91 $ 33,49 33% G,X
Destiny 2: Fortaleza das Sombras R$77,97 $ 20,99 40% G,X
Destiny 2: Renegados R$55,47 $ 14,99 40% G,X
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition: Pacote de Roupas de Lady e Trish R$4,80 $ 2,39 40%  
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition: Super Nero/Super Dante/Super Vergil R$6,00 $ 2,99 40%  
Devil May Cry 5 (with Red Orbs) R$79,50 $ 19,99 50% X
Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe Edition (with Red Orbs) R$99,50 $ 24,99 50% X
DiRT Rally 2.0 R$41,86 $ 9,99 75% G,X
DiRT Rally 2.0 Super Deluxe Edition R$122,98 $ 29,99 70% G,X
Double Cross R$18,73 $ 4,99 75% G
Dragon Ball Xenoverse R$22,35 $ 5,99 85% G
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Super Bundle R$52,35 $ 12,74 85% G
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen R$49,17 $ 9,89 67%  
Drawful 2 R$9,50 $ 5,00 50% G
Dreamworks Dragons Dawn of New Riders and Crayola Scoot R$85,98 $ 22,99 60% G
Dungeon Rushers: Crawler RPG R$5,80 $ 2,99 80% G
Elea – Episode 1 R$5,10 $ 1,29 90% X
Everspace R$22,49 $ 5,99 80% G,A,X
F1 2019 R$64,98 $ 14,99 75% G,X
F1 2019 Legends Edition Senna & Prost R$74,36 $ 17,49 75% G,X
Fallout 76 R$92,97 $ 23,99 40% X
Fallout 76: Raiders & Settlers Content Bundle R$65,97 $ 17,99 40% G
Fallout 76: Wastelanders Deluxe Edition R$149,40 $ 35,99 40% G,X
Fearful Symmetry & The Cursed Prince R$1,84 $ 0,49 90% A
Fibbage: O Hilariante Jogo Party de Blefar R$7,00 $ 3,49 50% G
FIFA 20 Edição dos Campeões R$95,70 $ 23,99 70% G,X
FIFA 20 Edição Ultimate R$116,70 $ 29,99 70% G,X
Final Fantasy IX R$32,47 $ 10,49 50% G,A
FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0 HD R$36,00 $ 10,00 50% G
Final Fantasy VII R$24,50 $ 7,99 50% G
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered R$31,22 $ 9,99 50% G
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster R$109,50 $ 24,99 50% G,X
Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age R$109,50 $ 24,99 50% G,X
Final Fantasy XV MULTIPLAYER: COMRADES R$15,50 $ 5,00 50% G,X
Final Fantasy XV Royal Pack R$23,00 $ 7,50 50% G,X
Final Fantasy XV SEASON PASS R$23,00 $ 7,50 50% G,X
Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ardyn R$7,72 $ 2,49 50% G,X
FINAL FANTASY XV: Episode Gladiolus R$7,90 $ 2,50 50% G,X
FINAL FANTASY XV: Episode Ignis R$7,90 $ 2,50 50% G,X
FINAL FANTASY XV: Episode Prompto R$7,90 $ 2,50 50% G,X
Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition R$66,22 $ 17,49 50% G,X
Flailing Limbs Bundle R$14,70 $ 7,49 70% G
Gems of War – Weapon Upgrade Pack R$58,62 $ 16,74 33%  
Gems of War Lapina Avatar Pack R$9,50 $ 5,00 50%  
Gems of War: Legendary Starter Pack R$79,20 $ 39,99 20%  
Gems of War: Mini Pacote VIP R$10,74 $ 2,99 40%  
Get Even R$24,00 $ 5,99 80% G
Gravel R$35,98 $ 8,99 70% G,X
Gravel Special Edition R$44,98 $ 11,99 70% G,X
GRID R$46,23 $ 9,99 75% G,X
GRID Ultimate Edition R$64,98 $ 14,99 75% G,X
GTA V: Premium Online Edition & Great White Shark Card Bundle R$103,96 $ 29,24 35% G
GTA V: Premium Online Edition & Megalodon Shark Card Bundle R$168,72 $ 40,49 55% G
GTA V: Premium Online Edition & Whale Shark Card Bundle R$162,46 $ 38,99 35% G
Hasbro Family Fun Pack – Super Edition R$53,70 $ 17,99 70% G
Hasbro Family Fun Pack Conquest Edition $ 12,00 70% G
Homefront: The Revolution R$9,75 $ 5,00 75% G,X
How To Survive 2 R$5,80 $ 2,99 80% G
Hue R$5,80 $ 2,99 80%  
Journey to the Savage Planet R$74,97 $ 14,99 50% G
Kingdom Come: Deliverance R$64,50 $ 20,00 50% G,X
KINGDOM HEARTS – HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX R$91,98 $ 19,99 60% G
KINGDOM HEARTS HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue R$82,48 $ 19,79 67% G
Kingdom Hearts III R$75,00 $ 17,99 70% G,X
KINGDOM HEARTS III Re Mind R$69,33 $ 22,49 25% G
KINGDOM HEARTS III Re Mind + Concert Video R$91,83 $ 29,99 25% G
Kingdom Two Crowns R$23,40 $ 11,99 40% G,X
L.A. Noire R$99,50 $ 19,99 50% G,X
Letter Quest: Grimm’s Journey Remastered R$4,75 $ 2,50 75% G
Little Nightmares R$16,00 $ 3,99 80% G
Livelock R$14,00 $ 4,99 50% G
Mable and the Wood R$13,73 $ 3,74 75% G
Manual Samuel R$4,75 $ 2,49 75% G
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite R$43,73 $ 9,99 75% A
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite – Avenging Army Costume Pack R$14,58 $ 4,79 60% A
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite – Black Panther R$12,47 $ 3,99 50% A
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite – Black Widow R$17,46 $ 5,59 30% A
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite – Cosmic Crusaders Costume Pack R$14,58 $ 4,79 60% A
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite – Deluxe Edition R$88,98 $ 23,99 60% A
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite – Monster Hunter R$12,47 $ 3,99 50% A
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite – Mystic Masters Costume Pack R$14,58 $ 4,79 60% A
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite – Sigma R$12,47 $ 3,99 50% A
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite – Stone Seekers Costume Pack R$14,58 $ 4,79 60% A
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite – Venom R$17,46 $ 5,59 30% A
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite – Winter Soldier R$17,46 $ 5,59 30% A
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite – World Warriors Costume Pack R$14,58 $ 4,79 60% A
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite Character Pass R$29,68 $ 9,89 67% A
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite Premium Costume Pass R$29,68 $ 9,89 67% A
Masters of Anima R$6,19 $ 1,99 80% G,X
Mega Man 11 R$74,50 $ 14,99 50% X
Mega Man 30th Anniversary Bundle R$166,83 $ 40,19 33%  
Mega Man Legacy Collection R$11,60 $ 5,99 60%  
Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 & 2 Combo Pack R$79,50 $ 15,00 50%  
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 R$64,50 $ 10,00 50%  
Mega Man X Legacy Collection R$44,50 $ 9,99 50%  
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1+2 R$89,50 $ 19,99 50%  
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 R$44,50 $ 9,99 50%  
Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection R$112,50 $ 22,49 25%  
MONOPOLY PLUS R$8,70 $ 4,50 70% G
Monster Energy Supercross – The Official Videogame 2 R$75,00 $ 17,99 70% G,X
Monster Energy Supercross 2 – Special Edition R$94,20 $ 23,99 70% G,X
Monster Hunter World R$75,00 $ 14,99 50% X
Monster Hunter World – Conjunto de Gestos Adicional 4 R$14,40 $ 4,79 40%  
MONSTER HUNTER WORLD: Conjunto de Gestos Adicional 2 R$9,00 $ 2,99 40%  
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne R$73,20 $ 23,99 40% X
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Digital Deluxe R$91,80 $ 29,99 40% X
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition R$149,40 $ 35,99 40% X
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition Digital Deluxe R$174,60 $ 41,99 40% X
MotoGP 19 R$44,98 $ 11,99 70% G
MX Nitro: Unleashed R$18,47 $ 4,99 50% G
MX vs ATV All Out R$14,75 $ 7,49 75% G,X
MXGP 2019 – The Official Motocross Videogame R$39,99 $ 9,99 80% G
MY HERO ONE’S JUSTICE R$75,00 $ 17,99 70% G
My Time at Portia R$23,60 $ 11,99 60% G
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 2 R$40,00 $ 7,99 60% G
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst R$40,00 $ 7,99 60% G
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 ROAD TO BORUTO R$80,00 $ 19,99 60% G
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Trilogy R$56,00 $ 15,99 60% G
NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM R$40,00 $ 7,99 60% G
NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 – All-Star Pack – 16.000 VC R$42,70 $ 13,99 30% G
NBA 2K20 R$81,65 $ 19,79 67% G,X
Need for Speed Heat Edição Deluxe R$111,60 $ 27,99 60% G,X
Okami HD R$30,50 $ 9,99 50% X
ONE PIECE BURNING BLOOD – Gold Edition R$44,85 $ 12,67 85% G
ONE PIECE World Seeker R$100,00 $ 23,99 60% G,X
ONE PIECE WORLD SEEKER – Deluxe R$140,00 $ 35,99 60% G,X
One Piece: Burning Blood R$37,35 $ 8,99 85% G
Onimusha: Warlords R$30,50 $ 9,99 50%  
Outbreak: Epidemic R$18,47 $ 4,99 50% G
Overcooked! + Overcooked! 2 R$64,97 $ 17,49 50% G
Overcooked! 2 R$29,40 $ 14,99 40% G
Paw Patrol: On a Roll and Crayola Scoot R$85,98 $ 22,99 60% G
PAWARUMI R$35,71 $ 9,74 35% G,X
PayDay 2: Crimewave Edition R$11,70 $ 5,99 70% G
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy R$65,00 $ 14,99 50%  
Planet Alpha R$11,70 $ 5,99 70% G,X
Puyo Puyo Champions R$8,78 $ 3,99 60% G
Quiplash R$9,50 $ 4,99 50% G
RACCOON CITY EDITION R$246,37 $ 59,98 25% X
RAD R$60,00 $ 7,99 60% G,X
Rad Rodgers R$9,75 $ 5,00 75% G
Red Dead Redemption 2 R$112,05 $ 26,99 55% G,X
Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate Edition R$122,15 $ 27,99 65% G,X
Resident Evil R$14,75 $ 4,99 75%  
Resident Evil 0 R$14,75 $ 4,99 75%  
RESIDENT EVIL 2 R$79,50 $ 19,99 50% X
RESIDENT EVIL 2 Deluxe Edition R$99,50 $ 24,99 50% X
RESIDENT EVIL 2: All In-game Rewards Unlock R$6,00 $ 1,99 60%  
RESIDENT EVIL 2: Deluxe Weapon: Samurai Edge – Chris Model R$4,80 $ 1,59 20%  
RESIDENT EVIL 2: Deluxe Weapon: Samurai Edge – Jill Model R$4,80 $ 1,59 20%  
RESIDENT EVIL 3 R$166,83 $ 40,19 33%  
Resident Evil 4 R$59,60 $ 8,00 60%  
Resident Evil 5 R$59,60 $ 8,00 60%  
Resident Evil 6 R$59,60 $ 8,00 60%  
Resident Evil 7 R$43,50 $ 9,99 50% A,X
RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard Gold Edition R$79,50 $ 19,99 50% A,X
Resident Evil 7: End of Zoe R$18,00 $ 5,99 60% A,X
Resident Evil 7: Gravação Proibida Vol. 1 R$12,40 $ 3,99 60% A,X
Resident Evil 7: Gravação Proibida Vol. 2 R$18,40 $ 5,99 60% A,X
Resident Evil 7: Season Pass R$36,80 $ 12,00 60% A,X
Resident Evil Revelations R$51,60 $ 8,00 60%  
Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2 Bundle R$71,60 $ 16,00 60%  
Resident Evil Revelations 2 – Season Pass R$9,75 $ 4,99 75%  
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Costume Pack R$7,60 $ 4,00 60%  
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition R$51,60 $ 12,00 60%  
Resident Evil Triple Pack R$119,60 $ 23,80 60%  
RISK R$11,60 $ 6,00 60% G
Rocksmith 2014 Edition – Remastered R$21,43 $ 6,59 67% G
Rogue Stormers & Giana Sisters Bundle R$12,25 $ 6,24 75% G
Romancing Saga 2 R$46,22 $ 12,49 50% G,A
Romancing SaGa 3 R$75,34 $ 19,42 33% G
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell R$7,25 $ 3,75 75% G
Seasons after Fall R$6,19 $ 1,99 80% G
Sephirothic Stories R$32,97 $ 8,99 40% G,A
Shadows: Awakening R$56,22 $ 14,99 50% G
Sheltered R$5,80 $ 2,99 80% G
Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom R$6,19 $ 1,99 80% G
Shining Resonance Refrain R$82,00 $ 19,99 60% G,X
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI R$162,46 $ 38,99 35% G,X
Siegecraft Commander $ 3,99 80%  
Sine Mora Ex R$9,75 $ 4,99 75% G
Snake Pass R$18,11 $ 4,99 75% G,A
Sniper Elite 3 ULTIMATE EDITION R$48,00 $ 12,00 70% G
STAR WARS Battlefront II: Celebration Edition R$95,40 $ 23,99 40% G,X
STEEP R$26,07 $ 9,89 67% G,X
Steep + The Crew R$33,99 $ 8,99 80% G
STEEP Season Pass R$24,50 $ 10,00 50% G,X
Steep X Games Gold Edition R$52,47 $ 16,49 67% G,X
Steep: Road to the Olympics R$39,50 $ 15,00 50% G,X
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection R$71,60 $ 15,99 60%  
Strider R$5,80 $ 2,99 80%  
Styx: Shards of Darkness R$12,49 $ 3,99 80% G
Sudden Strike 4 – European Battlefields Edition R$64,97 $ 17,49 50% G,X
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz R$89,97 $ 23,99 40% G
Super Toy Cars 2 R$38,46 $ 10,49 30% G
Surviving Mars R$17,70 $ 8,99 70% G,X
Surviving Mars – First Colony Edition R$38,70 $ 19,49 70% G,X
SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET Complete Edition R$56,00 $ 13,99 80% G,X
The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 $ 5,00 75% G,*
The Crew R$24,73 $ 6,59 67% G
The Crew + Trackmania Turbo R$35,99 $ 9,99 80% G
The Crew Ultimate Edition R$49,17 $ 13,19 67% G
The Disney Afternoon Collection R$15,25 $ 4,99 75%  
The Dwarves R$19,75 $ 10,00 75% G
The Flame in the Flood R$9,75 $ 4,99 75% G
The Golf Club 2019 R$57,60 $ 14,99 70% G,X
The Jackbox Party Pack 4 R$26,95 $ 13,74 45% G
The Outer Worlds R$162,46 $ 38,99 35% G,X
Thomas Was Alone R$2,61 $ 1,64 85% G
TRIVIAL PURSUIT LIVE! R$11,60 $ 6,00 60% G
Tropico 5 – Penultimate Edition R$36,98 $ 9,99 60% G
Tropico 6 R$133,47 $ 35,99 40% G,X
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 R$30,80 $ 9,99 60%  
UNO Ultimate Edition: UNO + UNO Flip! R$27,47 $ 8,24 45% G
Valhalla Hills – Definitive Edition R$37,47 $ 9,99 50% G
Vampyr R$45,75 $ 15,00 75% G,X
Virginia R$3,80 $ 1,99 80% G
Vostok Inc. R$11,60 $ 5,99 60%  
What Remains of Edith Finch R$15,60 $ 7,99 60% G
World of Final Fantasy Maxima R$71,50 $ 20,00 50% G,X
XCOM 2 R$62,25 $ 14,99 75% G,X
Yoku’s Island Express R$11,70 $ 5,99 70% G
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair R$56,22 $ 14,99 50% G,X
Zenith R$15,60 $ 8,00 60%  


Xbox 360

Nome BR USA % Obs
Age of Booty $ 0,99 80% R
ASURA’S WRATH R$11,80 $ 3,99 80% R
Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 $ 2,99 80% R
Conan $ 4,99 75% G
Dark Void R$11,80 $ 2,99 80% R
Darksiders 2 R$17,25 $ 4,99 75% G,R
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara R$6,00 $ 2,99 80% R
FINAL FANTASY XIII R$19,50 $ 7,99 33% G,R,X
FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 R$19,50 $ 9,99 50% G,R,X
Final Fight: Double Impact $ 1,99 80% R
FLOCK! $ 2,99 80% R
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter $ 3,99 80% R
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 R$9,80 $ 1,99 80% R
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier R$15,80 $ 3,99 80% R
Lost Planet 2 R$35,80 $ 3,99 80% R
Lost Planet 3 R$11,80 $ 3,99 80% R
Lost Planet Colonies R$7,80 $ 3,99 80% R
Mega Man 10 $ 1,99 80% R
Mega Man 9 $ 1,99 80% R
MX VS ATV Supercross R$22,25 $ 7,49 75% G
Rainbow Six Vegas R$8,70 $ 5,99 70% R
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 R$23,70 $ 5,99 70% R
RESIDENT EVIL CODE: Veronica X R$7,80 $ 3,99 80% R
Splinter Cell R$17,70 $ 4,49 70% R,X
Splinter Cell Blacklist R$20,70 $ 5,99 70% G,R,X
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory R$17,70 $ 4,49 70% R,X
Splinter Cell Conviction R$20,70 $ 5,99 70% R,X
Splinter Cell Double Agent R$20,70 $ 5,99 70% R,X
Splinter Cell Double Agent (OG Xbox) R$17,70 $ 4,49 70% R,X
Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow R$17,70 $ 4,49 70% R,X
Street Fighter IV R$3,96 $ 0,79 80% R
Stuntman: Ignition $ 3,74 75% G,R
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition R$15,80 $ 5,99 80% R

G = desconto para assinantes Gold
R = retrocompatível
A = XBOX Play Anywhere
X = Otimizado para Xbox One X

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